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Story | United We Stand/ Divided We Fall

Once upon a time, there were three strong and big bulls living in a forest. They were really good friends and always stayed together. Whenever one of them went somewhere, the other two would go along too. This way, they were very safe from any enemies. No one, not even the lion, dared to come near them when they were together.

In the same forest, there was also a leopard living in a den. He often saw the bulls and it made him hungry. He really wanted to eat them as his meal! But he was scared to get close to them.

The leopard thought hard and came up with a plan. He decided to make the bulls fight with each other. He asked a jackal for help and they caused problems between the bulls. Because of this, the bulls started to move away from each other.

When the leopard saw this, he attacked one of the bulls and ate his flesh. Then he was able to kill the other two bulls, one by one. This happened because the bulls were not united and didn't stay together. When people or animals are not united, bad things can happen and everyone can get hurt.

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