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Story | Who Ties The Bell?

Once upon a time, there were some little mice who lived in a rich man's house. They would sneak around the whole house and break things they found. The man got really tired of the mice's tricks, so he bought a big cat. On the very first day the cat came, she caught two chubby rats for her lunch. The others quickly ran into their holes. But they couldn't stay in their holes for long. In the evening, some rats felt hungry and came out. They had barely started nibbling on a cake in the kitchen when the cat attacked them. They ran back to their holes, but one of them got caught by the cat's paws. From that moment on, life became miserable for the mice. The cat chased them like a plague. One night, they gathered in a dark room and talked about how they could escape the cat's harm. The older rats said they couldn't do anything to hurt the cat. They hoped that one day, the cat would become so fat and lazy that she wouldn't be able to chase them. One group suggested leaving the house and going somewhere else, but most of them didn't like that idea. Then a little mouse came up with a clever idea. He said, "We can't kill the cat, and we shouldn't run away like scaredy-cats. But we can put a bell around the cat's neck. The bell will ring and let us know when the cat is coming, so we'll have enough time to run back to our holes." Everyone liked this idea and cheered for it. After the excitement died down, an old rat stood up and said, "It's a great plan, but we need someone brave to put the bell on the cat's neck. Who is willing to volunteer for this heroic task?" No one answered. Everyone tried to hide behind their neighbors. Just then, the cat pounced on them. They panicked and ran away. It's true that sometimes it's easier to talk about things than actually do them.

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