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Story | A Fox Without tail/ Beware Of Hypocrites

Once upon a time, there was a fox who went into the forest to find some food. But oh no! He got stuck in a trap. The fox tried really hard to escape. He pushed and pulled, and finally managed to break free. However, during his struggle, he lost his tail. The fox felt very small and sad because he thought other foxes would laugh at him. He even thought about ending his own life because he was so unhappy. But then he told himself, "It's not brave to hurt yourself. I should do something different."

Finally, the fox had an idea. He decided to convince all the other foxes to give up their tails too. He thought this would make them pay attention to something else instead of his tail-less appearance. So, the fox called a meeting of all the foxes and told them to get rid of their tails. He said, "Tails are ugly, heavy, and tiring. We should get rid of them." But one clever fox spoke up and said, "Very well, sir! You wouldn't be so eager to give us that advice if you still had a tail, right?" Being fake and pretending rarely works.

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