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Composition | Wonder Of Modern Science/ Science In Everyday

We live in a time where science plays a big role. We can see how amazing science is all around us. Science has made our lives easier and more comfortable. Without science, our modern lives would be hard to imagine.

One of the most incredible things about modern science is the discovery of electricity. It has completely changed our lives, our society, and our culture. Electricity is a powerful source of energy. It makes things like radios, televisions, lights, fans, electric irons, mills, factories, and refrigerators work.

Science has also made communication much easier and faster. We have ships, boats, trains, buses, cars, and other forms of transportation on the seas, rivers, and roads. These are all gifts from science. We also have means of communication like the telegraph, telephone, fax, and wireless devices. Trains, steamers, airplanes, and buses make it quick and easy for us to travel and communicate.

In the field of agriculture, science has made a lot of progress. The use of scientific tools, fertilizers, and insecticides has improved agriculture.

Science has also made great advancements in medicine. It has developed various medicines and tools like x-rays, cardiographs, microscopes, and more, which help diagnose and treat diseases. This has relieved a lot of human suffering.

Science has also brought us many things for entertainment and leisure. We use devices like cinemas, televisions, radios, tape recorders, and VCRs for recreation. Our clothes and many other essential products like paper and pens are only possible because of science.

Nowadays, we can't imagine human life without science. However, it's important to use science intelligently and responsibly.

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