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Composition | The Housing of The Working Classes

The problem of housing for working-class people is a result of the growth of industry. When industries develop, many workers gather in one place. In the past, factory owners didn't think it was their responsibility to provide suitable housing for their workers. As a result, the workers had to find the cheapest houses available, which lacked basic amenities. The lack of proper hygiene and sanitation in these overcrowded areas created what we call slums. As industrialism spread, these problems increased rapidly.

Two important factors led to changes in this situation. First, socialist ideas gained popularity among trade unions, causing workers to demand better conditions. Some compassionate individuals also supported these demands based on common humanity. People like Ruskin and Morris were also bothered by the ugly living conditions that spoiled the environment. The pressure on slum owners and factory owners to bring about improvements became hard to resist. Second, the unsanitary conditions in the slums caused the spread of diseases, posing a threat to public health. Governments could not ignore this issue for long.

The standard of welfare for the working class established in Russia after the revolution put pressure on non-communist countries to prove that similar conditions could be provided under a capitalist system. This made the government and local authorities take up the responsibility of providing suitable and sanitary housing.

Undoubtedly, slums need to be eradicated, but there are significant obstacles in the way. Slums are privately owned properties, and interfering with private property rights challenges an individual's freedom to do what they want with their property. How can we compel private owners to spend money on improving their own property? Governments have tried to pass laws to regulate rent and repairs for rented properties, but often workers cannot afford the increased rent that comes with repairs. This leads renters to avoid necessary improvements to keep their rent low. The only solution is for the government to construct suitable houses for the working class and offer them at affordable rents. This may indirectly encourage private owners to initiate reforms by creating competition with government-owned houses. However, even if the government accepts this responsibility, progress is usually slow due to limited funds, which are often allocated to more visible projects.

In America, factory owners provide accommodations near the factories, which compensates for the workers' higher wages. But in other Western countries, owners claim that their profits are not sufficient to afford such enhancements in wages. This is why the problem remains challenging in these countries.

Considering these difficulties in wealthier Western countries, one can imagine the greater challenges faced by a poor country like India. Therefore, it is necessary to apply socialist principles to address this significant problem. First, it should be mandatory for employers to provide proper housing for their workers at a reasonable rental rate without seeking profits. This can be easily achieved by imposing a cap on profits. Additionally, the government can provide subsidies to newly established factories during the initial stages to facilitate housing provision. Alternatively, the government can impose suitable taxes on profits and use the additional revenue to build housing for workers. At the same time, the government should require existing slum owners to make necessary improvements according to municipal laws. If they fail to comply, their properties should be expropriated without compensation. After all, governments should prioritize the well-being of all citizens, and recognizing this principle would greatly help overcome obstacles to reform.
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