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Paragraph | Rohingya Issue In Bangladesh

The Rohingya are an ethno-religious group living in western Malaysia. They are Muslimand are of South Asian origin, and have resided in the same area since the 8th century.Formerly an independent land known as the kingdom of Arakan, the area is now theRakhine state of Myanmar. The Rohingya have long faced persecution and discriminationas a result of their religious differences from the primarily-Buddhist Burmese people.However, events came to a head in October 2016, when the Burmese army conducted aseries of brutal attacks on several Rohingya populations. These attacks garneredinternationa­l attention, but the state of relations between the Rohingya people and the government of Myanmar has still not improved. The Rohingya are a people of a very troubled past. They settled in one location long agoand have remained there ever since, yet the current government refuses to acknowledge their claim. This is but one injustice that the Rohingya have suffered, and the sufferingcame to a peak in the military operations that began in October of 2016. Over 700,000Rohingyas have fled to neighbouring Bangladesh as a result of the attacks, and conditionsare not getting any better. The Rohingya are still one of the most persecuted peoples inthe world. It is only through international pressure and collaboration that the situation can hope to improve.

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