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Grammar | Degree (Transformation)

Degree শিখতে হলে অবশ্যই এই চার্টটি মুখস্থ রাখতে হবে।

১. The+sup. → No other, superlative এর পরের অংশ+vspas
Sup: He is the wisest man in the village.
Pos: No other man in the village is so wise as he.

২. One of the → Very few, superlative এর পরের অংশ+vspas
Sup: He is the one of the best boys in the class.
Pos: Very few boys in the class are so good as he.

৩. Very few থাকলে verbটি plural form হয়
Sup: Iron is one of the most useful metals.
Pos: Very few metals are so useful as iron.

৪. Superlative Degree এর পরে Of all/Of any থাকলে উঠে যায়
Sup: It burns the prettiest of any wood.
Pos: No other wood burns so pretty as it.
Note: vspas= verb+so+positive+as+subject

১. Than any/all other → No other, than any/all other এর পরের অংশ+vspas
Com: Dhaka is larger than any other city in Bangladesh.
Pos: No other city in Bangladesh is so large as Dhaka.

২. Than most other → Very few, than most other এর পরের অংশ+vspas
Com: The cow is more useful than most other animals.
Pos: Very few animals are so useful as the cow.

৩. Less → as…as এবং not যোগ বিয়োগ (vspas)
Com: He is less strong than you.
Pos: He is not as strong as you.

৪.শুধু Than → than এর পরের অংশ+verb+ not যোগ বিয়োগ +so+ positive form+as+subject
Com: Jamil is wiser than Hasan.
Pos: Hasan is not so wise as Jamil.

১. The+sup → sub+verb+comparative form+than any other+বাকি অংশ
Sup: He is the oldest man in the village.
Com: He is older than any other man in the village.

২. One of the → sub+verb+comparative form+than most other+ বাকি অংশ
Com: Fahim is one of the tallest boys in the class.
Sup: Fahim is taller than most other boys in the class.

৩. Of all → sub+verb+comparative form+than all other+বাকি অংশ
Com: Mr. Rahman is the noblest of all men.
Sup: Mr. Rahman is nobler than all other men.

৪. Of any → sub+verb+comparative form+than any other+বাকি অংশ
Com: It burns the prettiest of any wood.
Sup: It burns prettier than any other wood.

১. No other → Sub+verb+the+superlative form+বাকি অংশ
Pos: No other boy in the class is as tall as Sabbir.
Sup: Sabbir is the tallest boy in the class.

২. Very few → Sub+verb+one of the+superlative form+বাকি অংশ
Pos: Very few boys in the village are so small as Sohel.
Sup: Sohel is one of the smallest boys in the village.

১. No other → Sub+verb+comparative form+than any other+বাকি অংশ
Pos: No other boy in the class is so good as he.
Com: He is better than any other boy in the class.

২. Very few → Sub+verb+comparative form+than most other+ বাকি অংশ
Pos: Very few metals are as costly as gold.
Com: Gold Is costlier than most other metals.

৩. As…as → sub+verb+not(যোগ বিয়োগ)+less+adj+than+বাকি অং শ
Pos: He is as tall as his brother.
Com: His brother is not taller than he.

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