Misused Forms | Misuse of Infinitive
Infinitive ব্যবহার নয়, gerund যেখানে ব্যবহার হওয়া উচিতঃ
a) Prepositions বা preposition phrases –এরপরেঃ
b) যে সকল words নিয়মিতভাবে preposition গ্রহণ করে তাদের পরেঃ
c) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু verb-এর পরেঃ
d) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু Adjectives-এর পরে verb আসলে ing যুক্ত হয়ঃ
e) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু phrase –এর পরে:
75) Without (ব্যতীত/ছাড়া, etc. + -ing.
Don't say: Do your work without to speak.
Say: Do your work without speaking.
76) Instead of (স্থলে/বদলে/পরিবর্তে), etc. + -ing.
Don't say: He went away instead to wait.
Say: He went away instead of waiting.
77) Capable of (সামর্থবান/ক্ষমতাবিশিষ্ট) + -ing.
Don't say: They're quite capable to do that.
Say: They're quite capable of doing that.
Note: সর্বদাই incapable (অক্ষম/সামর্থহীন)-এর পরেও of বসে, তবে able বা unable-এর পরে to+infinitive বসে। যেমনঃ He is unable to do anything.
78) Fond of (পছন্দ করা/আসক্ত হওয়া) + -ing.
Don't say: She's always fond to talk.
Say: She's always fond of talking.
79) Insist on (সনির্বদ্ধ বলা/জেদ করা/জোরাজুরি করা) + -ing.
Don't say: Simon insisted to go to London.
Say: Simon insisted on going to London.
80) Object to (আপত্তি করা/প্রতিবাদ জানানো) + -ing.
Don't say: I object to be treated like this.
Say: I object to being treated like this.
81) Prevent from (নিবৃত্ত করা/বিরত থাকা)+ -ing.
Don't say: The rain prevented me to go.
Say: The rain prevented me from going.
82) Succeed in (কৃতকার্য/সফল হওয়া)+ -ing.
Don't say: Paula succeeded to win the prize.
Say: Paula succeeded in winning the prize.
83) Think of (বিবেচনা করা/ভাবা) + -ing.
Don't say: I often think to go to England.
Say: I often think of going to England.
84) Tired of (ত্যক্ত-বিরক্ত/ক্লান্ত) + -ing.
Don't say: The customer got tired to wait.
Say: The customer got tired of waiting.
85) Used to (অভ্যস্ত হওয়া) + -ing.
Don't say: She's used to get up early.
Say: She's used to getting up early.
86) Avoid (এড়িয়ে চলা/পরিহার করা) + -ing.
Don't say: You can't avoid to make mistakes.
Say: You can't avoid making mistakes.
Note: সর্বদাই can't help (= can't avoid)-এর পরেও gerund বসে। যেমনঃ I can't help laughing.
87) Enjoy (উপভোগ/আনন্দ লাভ করা)+ -ing.
Don't say: I enjoy to play football.
Say: I enjoy playing football.
Note: Like (পছন্দ করা) dislike (অপছন্দ করা) এই verb দুটির পরে infinitive বা gerund বস্তে পারে। যেমনঃ He likes reading English books, or He likes to read English books.
88) Excuse (ক্ষমা করা) + -ing.
Don't say: Please excuse me to be so late.
Say: Please excuse my being so late.
Or: Please excuse me for being so late.
89) Finish (শেষ/সম্পূর্ণ করা) + -ing.
Don't say: Have you finished to speak?
Say: Have you finished speaking?
Note: begin (আরনভ/শুরু করা) verb টির পরে to+infinitive বা gerund উভয়টিই বস্তে পারে। যেমনঃ She began to speak, বা She began speaking.
90) Go on (অবিরত/চলতে থাকা/চালিয়ে যাওয়া) + -ing.
Don't say: The music went on to play all day.
Say: The music went on playing all day.
Note: সর্বদাই keep on (চালিয়ে যাওয়া)-এর পরেও ing যুক্ত হবে। যেমনঃ She kept on playing the piano.
91) Mind (আপত্তি করা/কিছু মনে করা) + -ing.
Don't say: Would you mind to open the door?
Say: Would you mind opening the door?
92) Practise (অনুশীলন/চর্চা করা) + -ing.
Don't say: You must practise to speak English.
Say: You must practise speaking English.
93) Remember (মনে করা/স্মরণ করা)+ -ing.
Don't say: I don't remember to have seen him.
Say: I don't remember seeing him.
Or: I don't remember having seen him.
94) Risk (ঝুঁকি নেওয়া)+ -ing.
Don't say: We couldn't risk to leave him alone.
Say: We couldn't risk leaving him alone.
95) Stop (থামিয়ে দেওা/ব্যাহত করা) + -ing.
Don't say: The wind has almost stopped to blow.
Say: The wind has almost stopped blowing.
Note: Give up (পরিত্যাগ করা)-এর পরেও gerund বসে। যেমনঃ He gave up smoking.
96) Busy (ব্যস্ত হওয়া) + -ing.
Don't say: He was busy to revise the exams.
Say: He was busy revising for the exams.
97) Worth (বিশেষ মূল্য বিশিষ্ট) + -ing.
Don't say: Is today's film worth to see?
Say: Is today's film worth seeing?
98) Have difficulty in (অসুবিধা/সমস্যা থাকা) + -ing.
Don't say: She has no difficulty to do it.
Say: She has no difficulty in doing it.
99) Have the pleasure of (আনন্দিত হওা/থাকা) + -ing.
Don't say: I had the pleasure to meet him.
Say: I had the pleasure of meeting him.
Note: সর্বদাই take pleasure in (আনন্দ পাওয়া)-এরপর verb আসলে gerund বসে। যেমনঃ He takes great pleasure in helping the poor.
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Use of the gerund
Gerund ( infinitive নয়) ব্যবহৃত হওয়া উচিত:
1) Prepositions-এর পরেঃ
Examples: He worked without stopping. She played instead of working.
2) যেসব words নিয়মিতভাবে preposition গ্রহণ করে, যেমনঃ fond of, insist on, tired of, succeed in.
Examples: I'm tired of doing the work again. He succeeded in catching the rat.
3) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু verb-এর পরে, যেমনঃ avoid, enjoy, finish, stop, risk, excuse.
Examples: They enjoy playing football. The wind has stopped blowing.
4) Busy এবং worth, adjective দ্বয়ের পরেঃ
Examples: Lena was busy writing a book. This date is worth remembering.
5) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু phrases- এর পরে, যেমনঃ it's no use, it's no good, I can't help, would you mind, look forward to.
Examples: I think it's no use trying again. I can't help feeling angry about it.
সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু Verb-এর পরে, gerund বা infinitive ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে। যেমনঃ begin, like, dislike, hate, love, prefer.
Example: He began to talk বা He began talking.
100) It's no use (মূল্য বা লাভ নেই) + -ing.
Don't say: It's no use to cry like a baby.
Say: It's no use crying like a baby.
102) Look forward to (আশা করা/প্রতিক্ষা করা)+ -ing.
Don't say: I look forward to see him soon.
Say: I look forward to seeing him soon.
103) There is no harm in (কোন দোষের নয়) + -ing.
Don't say: There's no harm to visit her now.
Say: There's no harm in visiting her now.
(See Exercises 63 and 64)
*Exerciseর জন্য এই লিংকে যান