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Hare and His Ear Story

Once upon a time, there was a Lion who got hurt by a Goat's horns while he was eating. He got really angry because he thought it was bold and dangerous for an animal he picked as a meal to have horns that could hurt him. So, he ordered all animals with horns to leave his kingdom very soon. He didn't want to see any of them around.

This order scared all the animals. Those who had horns started leaving the jungle. Even the Hare, who didn't have horns and had nothing to be afraid of, couldn't sleep well that night because he was worried about the fierce Lion.

In the early morning, the Hare came out of his hiding spot and saw the shadow of his long ears. He got scared by this and decided to leave. He told his friend the cricket that he was going away. The cricket asked why, saying he didn't have horns and could stay. The Hare pointed out that his ears looked like horns, no matter what he actually was. Just then, the Lion arrived with a loud roar and killed the Hare.

Moral of the story: Don't give your enemies any reason to attack your reputation. They will use any excuse to harm you.
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