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Honesty is the Best Policy (Best Moral Story for Children)

Once upon a time, there was a king who was very old. He had three sons, and he was worried about which of them should be the next king. He loved all his sons and couldn't decide.

One day, an old minister gave the king an idea. He told the king to give each son a small seed and ask them to plant it in a pot. After some time, the minister said, he would see whose plant was the best, and that person would become the next king. So, the king gave each son a seed, and they all planted them in pots.

After a few months, two of the brothers had beautiful plants in their pots with pretty flowers and green leaves. But the youngest brother's pot had no plant at all. He had taken care of the seed and the pot, but nothing had grown. When he saw his brothers' plants, he felt really sad and worried because he didn't have anything to show his father.

One day, the king called all his sons to show him their plants. The sons with plants proudly showed them to the king. However, the youngest son had an empty pot. The king asked him, "Where is your plant, my dear son? Why is your pot empty?" The youngest son replied, "I'm sorry, dear father. I tried my best, but nothing grew in my pot." The king said, "No, you don't need to be sorry. The seeds I gave all of you were dead and couldn't grow into plants. Your brothers lied to me because they wanted to make me happy. When they saw that their plants weren't growing, they planted different seeds. The plants they have now are from those new seeds. But you were honest and told me the truth. And one of the most important things a king should have is honesty. So, my dear son, you will be the next king."

The lesson of the story is that being honest is very important.
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