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The Queen and The Monkey Story

Once upon a time, there was a queen who lived in a big kingdom. She really liked the jungle and the animals that lived there. Her name was Sheba, and people called her the jungle queen. She also loved babies a lot. One day, she said, "I want all the animals to come to my palace with their babies. The animal with the most beautiful baby will get a special reward."

All the animals came to Queen Sheba's palace with their babies. Sheba was looking at each baby carefully. She went up to a monkey and said, "Oh, what a not-so-pretty baby you have! You won't be getting the reward."

The little baby monkey started to cry. The mommy monkey said, "Oh dear, that queen doesn't know what she's talking about! I don't care about her reward. You are my precious gem, my beloved child. You mean more to me than anything in the whole wide sky."

The lesson we learn from this story is that a mother's love is very special and unique.
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