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The Wisdom Cap Seller and The Monkeys

Once upon a time, there was a man who made really nice hats. He lived in a tiny village. He would make these hats and sell them at a market. Sometimes, he would carry a big box of hats and travel to different villages to sell them. One day, after he had sold some hats in one village, he had to walk through a part of the jungle. He was so tired that he couldn't go on. He decided to rest under a shady tree and put his box of hats down.

Now, this tree had some monkeys in it. They saw the box of hats and noticed that the man was wearing a hat. Curious monkeys came down, took a hat each, and started playing with them. While they were having fun, the man heard the noise they were making and woke up. To his surprise, the box was empty, and the monkeys were wearing his hats!

He tried many tricks to get his hats back, but nothing worked. Finally, feeling very frustrated, he threw his own hat on the ground. And guess what? In just a moment, all the monkeys tossed the hats they had, and they fell down.

The man happily collected his hats and went on his way.

The lesson here is that sometimes unexpected actions can also bring you good results.
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