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Sonnet and Ode Paragraph

Sonnet and ode are two special types of poems that are like songs. They have some big differences. A sonnet has 14 lines in English, and it follows a tricky pattern of rhyme. But an ode is a fancy poem that starts by talking to someone and sharing sadness, but then it makes them feel better. This kind of poem started a long time ago in Greece, with a poet named Pindar.

On the other hand, a sonnet began in Italy in the 13th century. It's a shorter poem with only 14 lines. An ode can be longer, but not usually more than 150 lines. An ode is like when a poet's emotions come out naturally and seriously. It's kind of serious and special. But a sonnet is more controlled. It only lets the poet express feelings in a certain way.

There are different types of sonnets, like the Italian one, the English one, and the Spenserian one. Odes also have different kinds, like the Pindaric ode, the Horatian ode, and the irregular ode. Even though they're both lovely and musical types of personal poems, they're built differently.
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