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An Ant and A Dove Story

An Ant and a Dove

Once upon a time, there was a field with green grass and a stream running through it. In this field, a little ant lived by the stream. One day, the ant went to the stream to have a drink of water. While it was drinking, something bad happened – the ant fell into the moving water and got stuck. It started yelling, "Help! Help!" really loudly, but nobody heard its cries for help.

Right next to the stream, there was a dove sitting on a tree branch. The dove saw what was happening to the ant and felt very sad for it. Quickly, the dove pulled out a wide piece of grass and flew over the stream. It dropped the grass right in front of the ant. The ant was able to climb onto the grass, and then the grass got caught on some tall plants by the bank of the stream. The ant climbed out of the water and onto the land. It was so lucky that it didn't get hurt!

After a few days, the ant was out near the stream again, searching for food. Suddenly, it heard a dove cooing. When the ant looked, it saw the same dove that had saved its life before. The ant felt really happy to see the dove again and wanted to thank it by waving, but it couldn't do that because it's so small. However, things took a scary turn – the ant noticed a boy coming, holding a bow and an arrow. The boy was aiming the arrow at the dove, and it seemed like he wanted to hurt the dove.

In a super brave move, the ant bit the boy's leg really hard. Because of the bite, the boy's aim got messed up, and the arrow missed the dove and hit a tree branch instead. The dove quickly flew away to safety. The boy looked down to see what had bitten him and saw a little red mark on his leg. But guess what happened to the ant? It had disappeared and wasn't anywhere to be seen!
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