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Eve-teasing Composition


Eve-teasing means men bothering women in public with unpleasant questions and actions, making them feel annoyed and uncomfortable. It's a big problem in our country, spreading like an epidemic. Many young people are familiar with this term. It's a threat that has become very serious. Women's safety is at risk, especially in big cities.

There are several reasons for eve-teasing. One is that boys and girls are naturally attracted to each other during puberty, and sometimes boys can't control themselves and indulge in teasing.

Modern influences like open sky culture, satellite communication, and the internet also contribute to eve-teasing. People see free mixing of men and women in movies and on the internet and try to imitate it, leading to eve-teasing. Obscene cinema and drama can also encourage this behavior. Computers and mobile phones make it easy for anonymous people to make friends with the opposite sex, which can lead to eve-teasing.

The lack of proper laws and their weak enforcement contribute to the problem. Alcohol and drug addiction can make men behave badly, including indulging in eve-teasing. Unemployed men may also engage in such behavior out of boredom.

To stop eve-teasing, we need to start educating children at a young age. Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children away from bad influences and monitoring what they watch. Teachers should impart moral teachings in a rational and modern way. Boys should respect girls and remember that they have families too. Parents should trust their daughters and encourage them to stand up against eve-teasers.

Eve-teasing must be stopped to ensure that women are respected and treated equally. Women have the right to live freely and independently. Society and the government should take this issue seriously and support women in facing eve-teasers bravely. Everyone needs to be actively involved in addressing this problem.
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