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Female Education Composition

Female education

Education is important and available to everyone. Allah created men and women equally without any distinction. They have equal abilities, so there should be no disagreement about educating women.

A good mother raises good citizens. To have good citizens, women must be educated. Female education is not new here. Islam encourages educating women. The prophet of Islam made education compulsory for both genders. Napoleon once said, "Give me a good mother, and I will give you a good citizen," meaning an educated mother is vital for producing good citizens.

A nation cannot progress when half of its population is kept in ignorance. Without uplifting women, a nation cannot progress. Education is essential for women's upliftment. They should receive education to contribute to development programs alongside men.

Mothers play a significant role in shaping their children's character. The saying, "the hands that rock the cradle rules the world," implies every woman is a potential mother.

A mother's influence significantly impacts a child's character and future. Many great men owe their greatness to their mothers' influence. What children learn at home stays with them, mostly from their mother's direct supervision and care. If a child doesn't grow up well, the mother is held responsible. An educated mother is essential for shaping children's character and future.

An educated husband cannot have meaningful discussions with an ignorant wife. It can lead to dull and unhappy lives with frequent quarrels. So, female education is crucial from this perspective as well.

Efforts should be made to encourage universal female education. The government recently declared free and compulsory education for rural girls up to S.S.C. Ignorant women hinder a country's progress. Educating women is crucial for having good wives and mothers to make the nation great.
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