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Rural Development Composition

Rural Development

Rural development means developing villages. Bangladesh has many villages, where over 80 percent of the people live. Villages are very important for our country's development, and the entire nation's progress depends on their well-being.

In our country, rural development includes various aspects like agriculture, education, communication, health, sanitation, cottage industries, fishing, and community life.

Having good communication is crucial for village development. Our government has taken practical steps to build new roads and repair old ones to improve communication.

Education is the backbone of a nation. Without education, a country cannot prosper. It enlightens the soul, broadens outlooks, and eliminates ignorance. Unfortunately, in Bangladesh, around 80 percent of the population in villages cannot read or write. To achieve prosperity, we must eliminate illiteracy.

Bangladesh relies heavily on agriculture, which is the lifeblood of its economy. Around 80 percent of our villagers are engaged in agriculture, but it remains backward. Thankfully, the government has taken active steps to progress in agriculture.

"Health is wealth," as the saying goes. However, most villagers are illiterate and lack knowledge of health and sanitation, resulting in various diseases. To address this, hospitals, health centers, clinics, and charitable dispensaries have been established in rural areas.

In the past, pure drinking water was scarce, leading to waterborne diseases. Nowadays, most villages have at least one tube well, providing clean water.

Many villagers engaged in agriculture often remain idle for a significant part of the year. Reviving and developing cottage industries can offer them employment opportunities. The government supports the poor villagers by providing easy loans.

By increasing poultry and fish cultivation, we can further develop our villages. The government pays attention to these initiatives and supports them with loans and marshy land for fish cultivation.

With the development of villages, our country can reach the pinnacle of progress and prosperity. Let's all come forward and work together to develop our villages.
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