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Slow But Steady Wins The Race Story

A long time ago, there was a rabbit in a forest who thought he was really fast. There was also a turtle who lived nearby. The rabbit used to make fun of the turtle for being slow. This made the turtle angry, so one day, he suggested a race to the rabbit. The rabbit agreed and they decided on a racecourse.

When the day of the race arrived, they met at a crossroad, and the finish line was marked. The race started, and the rabbit quickly sprinted ahead, leaving the turtle far behind. After running for a while, the rabbit looked back and didn't see the turtle anywhere. He thought, "I'm so silly. I'm much faster than the turtle. Why am I running so fast under the hot sun? I'll take a break and start running again when the turtle gets closer."

So, the rabbit took a rest and even fell asleep. Meanwhile, the turtle kept moving forward steadily. He saw the rabbit sleeping, so he quietly went past him. When the rabbit woke up, he hurriedly started running again, but it was too late. The turtle was already near the finish line. When the rabbit reached the finish line, he saw the turtle there, calmly waiting. The turtle had won the race.

The turtle felt really happy, and the rabbit felt embarrassed about bragging too much. The story teaches us that being slow and steady can sometimes lead to success, while being too proud can lead to mistakes and failure.
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