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A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing Story

Once upon a time, there was a man who lived in a village. He was really interested in learning English, so he went to a teacher for help. The teacher started teaching him, but the man had trouble understanding. The teacher tried hard, but the man couldn't figure out the grammar rules. He only managed to remember three English words: 'yes', 'no', and 'very well'. However, he didn't know what they meant.

He went back to his village and told everyone that he was really good at English. Whenever someone talked to him, he used these three words. If anyone asked him a question or talked about something, he would just reply with 'yes', 'no', or 'very well'. One night, there was a robbery in the village, and the police were informed. A police officer came to investigate. He asked everyone if they knew anything about the robbery. People said they didn't know anything about it.

Then the police officer turned to the man and asked if he knew anything about the robbery. He even suggested that maybe the man was the thief. The man replied 'yes'. The police officer asked if the man had a problem with going to the police station. The man replied 'no'. So, the police officer decided to arrest the man. The man proudly said, "Very well." And that's how he ended up getting arrested and put in jail.

From this story, we can learn that having just a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. The man's limited understanding of English got him into trouble. He brought about his own downfall by acting like he knew more than he actually did.
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