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Students and Social Service Composition

People, Society, Students

Man has three important responsibilities: to God, parents, and mankind. So, students also have specific duties to their society.

In our country, many people cannot read or write. Students can help by opening night schools and teaching these illiterate individuals. During vacations, they can go to villages and teach the villagers.

Student involvement is vital for national health. Female students can educate uneducated women about maintaining clean homes, raising children, and looking after their health. Village people and those in slums often suffer from diseases due to a lack of knowledge about health and the environment. Students can teach them basic health and environmental rules.

Bangladesh relies heavily on agriculture for prosperity, but many farmers lack scientific knowledge of cultivation. Students can help educate illiterate farmers in this regard.

Our country is overpopulated, and many villagers lack knowledge about family planning. Students can play a significant role in explaining the importance of family planning to them.

During floods, cyclones, and famines, students support affected people by raising funds, providing food, and helping the sick.

Students are the servants and builders of society. They are the peacemakers and should serve society selflessly.
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