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The Bad Man and The Sadhu Story

Once upon a time, there was a ruler who heard that some people far away were not happy with him and were causing trouble. He thought, "I should go there and defeat these troublemakers." He led his soldiers to the place where the people were causing problems. However, when he arrived, those people surrendered without a fight. Everyone thought he would punish them harshly. But instead, he treated them gently and kindly.

His top advisor spoke up, "Your Majesty, you promised to defeat your enemies. Yet, you have forgiven them and even shown kindness to some. Is this how you keep your word?" The ruler answered, "I promised to defeat my enemies, but now they are no longer my enemies. I have turned them into friends by being kind. So, I haven't broken my promise."

Just like this ruler, we should respond to unkindness with kindness. We can change those who don't like us into friends by being good to them.
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