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The Uses and Abuses of Television Composition

Television: Good and Bad

TV is a great discovery of science. Paul Nepkov and Jhon Bayard invented it in 1925.

The name comes from 'tele' (distance) and 'vision' (to see), meaning seeing from a distance.

TV is a modern way of sharing ideas. We hear famous people's speeches. It's more than just radio; it's like a stage where we see and hear performers, get news, and have fun with music, drama, dance, and more.

TV is educational, helping illiterate people and students learn. We hear debates, lectures, and discussions on important topics and science. It connects the literate and illiterate.

People enjoy games on TV, no need to go to a stadium.

TV has made the world small, breaking barriers of time and distance. We learn about different customs, traditions, fashions, and cultures from around the world. It shares news from home and abroad.

However, TV has downsides. Sometimes students watch TV instead of studying. Young boys prefer it over outdoor play, hindering their growth. Obscene films and harmful content are sometimes shown.

TV is vital for mass communication, playing a big role in our daily lives. So, we should produce TV programs carefully.
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