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The Wicked Wolf Story

Once upon a sunny day, there was a young lamb happily eating grass near a small hill. As time passed, the lamb felt thirsty and wanted to find some water to drink. It started looking around to find water and saw a little stream coming down from the top of the hill. The lamb walked over to the stream to have a drink.

Nearby, there was a mean wolf hiding in the bushes on the hill. The wicked wolf approached the lamb and angrily said, "Hey you, little troublemaker! Why are you making the water dirty? Don't you know I can't drink muddy water?" The lamb, feeling scared, replied, "I'm sorry, sir, but the water flows past you before it reaches me. I'm downstream." The lamb was trembling with fear because the wolf was known to be bad and cruel.

The wolf, being sneaky and mean, quickly came up with a way to harm the lamb. He said, "Alright, maybe you didn't make the water dirty this time, but you insulted me a year ago." The lamb, still afraid, stammered, "Please believe me, sir, I was born only six months ago. How could I have insulted you?" The wolf then said, "Well, if it wasn't you, it must have been your mother. And for that, you'll be punished." With those words, the wolf killed the young lamb and ate its flesh.
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