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Tit for Tat Story

Once upon a time, in a jungle near a river, there was a buffalo and a fox who were really good friends. One day, the fox told the buffalo about a yummy field of maize on the other side of the river. The buffalo liked the idea of eating maize, and the fox planned to catch crabs and fish from the river. So, the buffalo agreed to carry the fox across the river.

The buffalo swam across the river with the fox on its back. When they reached the other side, the buffalo happily ate the maize, while the fox looked for crabs and fish by the river. The fox was small, so it found enough food quickly. But the buffalo couldn't eat as much as it wanted.

The fox started running around in the maize field and making a lot of noise. This drew the attention of the villagers, who came out to see what was happening. They saw the fox and the buffalo and thought the buffalo was causing trouble. They hit the buffalo with sticks until it was bruised and hurting. When they tried to chase the fox, they couldn't catch it, so they went back home.

The fox then went to the buffalo and suggested they go home. The buffalo got really mad at the fox for tricking it. It decided to teach the fox a lesson. The buffalo said, "Okay, get on my back again like before." The fox climbed onto the buffalo's back, and they started crossing the river.

As they went deeper into the water, the buffalo told the fox it wanted to dive a little. The fox asked why, and the buffalo said it was a habit it had, to dive after eating. So, the buffalo dived into the water, shaking off the fox into the deep water. Sadly, the fox couldn't swim well and ended up drowning.

The buffalo safely made it to the shore. It had cleverly turned the tables and outsmarted the fox, which had not been very nice to it.
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