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Unity is Strength Story

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had four sons. These sons were always fighting with each other. The farmer, who was worried about their future, wanted to teach them the importance of working together. So, he gathered his sons and asked the youngest one to bring some sticks.

When the sticks were brought, the farmer told his sons to tie them into a bundle. Then, he asked them to try breaking the bundle. Each son tried, but none of them could break it. Then the farmer told them to untie the bundle and try breaking the sticks one by one. This time, they were able to break the sticks easily.

The farmer explained, "My dear sons, just like these sticks, if you stay together and don't fight, you'll be strong and no one can harm you. But if you fight and argue, you'll become weak, and your enemies can easily hurt you. So, it's better to live in peace and harmony." The sons understood the lesson and promised to listen to their father's wise advice.
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