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Paragraph on Campus Violence

Almost everyone who is educated knows about campus violence. Nowadays, colleges and universities have become like military camps with dangerous weapons and ammunition. These educational campuses have become breeding grounds for violence and terrorism. Instead of focusing on their studies, students are picking up weapons. Many talented and innocent students become victims and fail to achieve success. There is no tolerance among the students. They cannot tolerate each other. Democracy teaches tolerance, but students are far from understanding this concept. Students should be involved in politics, but that doesn't mean resorting to terrorism. Campus violence not only destroys the academic environment but also ruins the lives of students and leads to loss of life. However, it's not entirely the students' fault. They have become puppets in the hands of narrow-minded politicians who only care about themselves. These politicians exploit innocent students and encourage terrorism by providing them with weapons.

By creating awareness among students, we can eliminate campus violence from educational institutions. Students should remember that they are born to learn and educate themselves. They are like devotees in a temple of knowledge. Therefore, they should devote themselves to learning without wasting any time. This is the time for them to prepare for the challenges they will face in the future and not cry for help when life becomes difficult. Instead of getting involved in so-called student politics, they should fill their minds with ideas to navigate through life's journey. They should not be puppets in the hands of narrow-minded politicians. Lastly, self-centered politicians should not exploit innocent students and encourage terrorism by providing them with weapons.

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