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Paragraph on Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is a big problem in Bangladesh. Many drivers don't have proper training or education. They can only write their signature and read Bengali. They don't care about human life and don't understand that life is more important than saving time. They drive dangerously and without thinking. They don't even care about their own safety. They frequently change lanes, ignore traffic signals, and drive in a dangerous and aggressive manner, trying to pass other vehicles. As a result, there are many road accidents happening all the time. We see news about road accidents on TV and in newspapers every day. Reckless driving causes a lot of deaths every year.

We need to make them understand that life is more important than saving time. We should explain to them the consequences of reckless driving. By making them more aware and responsible, we can prevent reckless driving and reduce the number of road accidents and deaths. The authorities in charge should enforce traffic rules strictly and give severe punishments to reckless drivers. The traffic police should be more active and there should be more of them on duty.

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