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Sound Pollution Paragraph

Just like air and water pollution, noise pollution is also a harmful problem for the environment. We can create noise pollution right in our own homes. Things like playing loud music on the streets and setting off loud fireworks can be dangerous for the environment. This noise pollution can affect many people, especially older adults, newborn babies, pregnant women, and patients.

There is a level of sound that becomes unpleasant to our ears. Any sound above 65 decibels (DB) can be considered noise, and anything beyond 75 DB can even be painful. That's why it's important to start controlling noise right at home. We can lower the volume of our televisions and listen to music at lower volumes. We can also avoid using loud horns and making loud noises with our vehicles in our community. In public places, we should try not to use unnecessary horns. We can't completely avoid using electric devices, but we can limit their use at home, like mixers and drilling machines.

Noise pollution not only affects humans but also harms animals and the environment. It can raise our blood pressure and even lead to permanent hearing loss. During Celebration, a festival of lights, we can refrain from using high-noise fireworks, which can sometimes be very painful to our ears.

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