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Paragraph on Adopting Unfair Means In The Examination

When someone copies in an exam, it means they are using unfair methods to cheat. This is a big problem in our country and affects the whole nation. Nobody should support it because real education cannot be achieved by cheating in exams.

There are many reasons why copying happens in exams. Some of these include problems with the exam system itself, student politics, inappropriate study materials, lack of qualified teachers, dishonesty among teachers, absence of a suitable learning environment, and lack of awareness among the general public. Many teachers are unable to teach effectively, and students are also not paying enough attention to their studies. They only focus on passing exams without truly gaining knowledge. As a result, real education becomes impossible. If we fail to address this problem, our nation will suffer and remain in darkness.

Immediate actions need to be taken to prevent copying in exams. First, our education system should be reformed. We need to develop a sense of morality among students. Public awareness campaigns should be conducted to discourage cheating in exams. Those caught copying should be given severe punishment as a deterrent.

The government has already implemented some measures to tackle this issue. They have introduced the interchange of examination centers, formed vigilance teams, and implemented strict checking procedures. As a result, the occurrence of cheating in exams has significantly decreased. This is a positive indication for the progress of our country.

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