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Paragraph on The Padma Bridge

The Padma Bridge is a very important project for Bangladesh. It will connect two places called Mawa and Janjira, which are in different parts of the country. The bridge will go over the Padma River. It will be a big bridge that can be used by both cars and trains. In fact, it will be the sixth largest bridge of its kind in the world.

The purpose of the Padma Bridge is to connect the southwest region of Bangladesh with the capital city and the eastern part of the country. Right now, the government of Bangladesh is paying for the project with its own money. The Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, started the project on December 12, 2015, by laying the first stone.

The Padma Bridge will be 6.15 kilometers long and 18.10 meters wide. It will have four lanes for cars and a single lane for trains. The bridge will have 41 parts called "spans," and each span will be 150 meters long and weigh 3,140 tons. The "Bangladesh Bridge Authority" will take care of the bridge once it is finished. The company building the bridge is called the "China Major Bridge Engineering Corporation." The bridge will be made of steel and have a truss design.

It will make a big difference in the way people can travel and communicate in Bangladesh. It will make life easier for people living in the southwest part of the country. It will also have a positive impact on the economy. It will create new jobs and help industries grow. Not only that, but it will also make it easier for people to access medical and educational facilities. Overall, the bridge will bring many benefits to Bangladesh.

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