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Paragraph on My Parents

My parents are really important to me. They mean everything to me because they take care of me, make me happy, and help me become a good person. They love me a lot and put my needs before their own. They are ready to give up their own comforts for me. I really admire and respect them for that.

I admire many qualities in my parents, like being honest, sincere, and kind. They always tell the truth, stand up for what's right, and fight against unfairness. My dad is especially caring towards poor people and he helps those who are in trouble. As I grow up, I want to make sure I provide everything they need.

When I become an adult, I would like to be a doctor, a teacher, or a good farmer if I get the chance. Money is not my main goal in life because I know it's not the only important thing. Being too greedy for money can bring bad consequences. I want to work hard and earn enough money to support myself and my parents in our family.

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