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Paragraph on Dangers of Population Growth in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country with a small area of land, about 147,570 square kilometers. However, it has a very large population of over 150 million people. That means there are a lot of people living in a relatively small space. This high population density, with about 1000 people per square kilometer, is a big concern for the country. The population is also growing at a rate of 1.40% each year, which is quite fast.

The rapid population growth in Bangladesh is causing some major problems, especially when it comes to food and housing. As families grow in size, they need more space to live, so they end up breaking into smaller families. Each of these smaller families requires their own house to live in. Additionally, the available agricultural land is being divided among these smaller families. On top of that, more mills and factories are being built, which takes up even more land.

Because of these factors, the amount of agricultural land is decreasing day by day, and as a result, the production of food is also decreasing. If the population continues to grow at this rate, there will come a time when many people won't have any land left to build houses on. This means that some people might have to resort to living in trees or on boats floating in rivers. Another serious problem will be the scarcity of food. There won't be enough food to feed everyone adequately.

Therefore, it is crucial for the government to take necessary steps to address the dangers of population growth in order to save the country.

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