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Short Paragraph on A Hartal Day

A hartal day is a day when everything stops and people don't do their usual activities. Usually, it's organized by political parties or labor unions to make the government or authorities listen to their demands. They do it to show their disagreement with the ruling party's corruption or illegal actions. On a hartal day, offices, schools, colleges, universities, markets, courts, mills, and factories are closed. Vehicles don't move on the roads, except sometimes rickshaws and ambulances. The people protesting burn old tires on the road and try to block vehicles from moving. They also march in a group. Many police officers are stationed at important places. People have to walk from one place to another because there's no transportation. Hartals have many disadvantages. Normal life comes to a standstill because of hartals. They have a negative impact on our economy. Students can't go to school or college. Sick people can't go to hospitals for treatment. Mills and factories have to stop working. However, we should take necessary steps to solve the hartal problem. The government in power should give importance to the demands of the opposing parties. The opposing parties should also choose peaceful ways to protest instead of organizing hartals.

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