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Paragraph on May Day

May 1st is a special day called International Workers' Day. It's a day when we remember the important struggle that working people went through in history. Something that happened on May 1, 1886, reminds us that workers will keep being taken advantage of unless they stand up and speak out for better working conditions, better pay, and better lives.

In Chicago on May 3, 1886, the police shot at the workers who were on strike. These workers were demanding to have only 8 hours of work each day, a minimum wage, and safety laws to protect them. Since then, May Day has been celebrated in many countries around the world. In Bangladesh, it's also a big deal and a national holiday.

On this day, trade unions and workers organize events like seminars, discussions, or symposiums. They also pay tribute to the workers who lost their lives fighting for the rights of working people. Newspapers and magazines publish special articles to talk about the significance of the day. TV and radio stations have special programs dedicated to May Day. Different labor organizations plan detailed activities to celebrate this day.

People from all walks of life take part in observing May Day and remember the sacrifices made by the workers in 1886. We encourage our workers to contribute to building our country. We also show our support and unity with workers from all around the world who face similar challenges.

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