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I am a student. I have a simple daily routine. Usually, I wake up at 5:30 in the morning and go for a walk. I spend around an hour outside doing exercises. Then I come back home and have breakfast. After that, I sit down to read at around 7 am. I study, write, and finish my homework until 9:45 am. I don't let anything disturb me while I'm studying. Then I go to the river to take a bath. Our classes start at 11 am. I make sure to reach school at least 10 minutes early and sit in the front row. When it's recess time, we quickly leave our classrooms like birds out of cages. In the afternoon, after coming back home, I have lunch and go to the field to play cricket and football. When it starts getting dark, I go back home and freshen up. Then, I sit down to read again. Usually, I have my dinner at 10 pm and by 10:30 pm, I go to bed for the night. However, I don't follow this routine on Sundays. Sundays are holidays, a day of rest.

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