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Paragraph on My Role in The Family

I'm now seventeen years old and currently studying in Class XI. Five years ago, I didn't have much of a role within my family. But now, things have changed, and I have an important role in making decisions that affect our family. When I express my opinions on any matter, they are given significant consideration.

In another ten years, my role will become even more important as I enter the practical phase of life. I'll be earning my own income and will be a crucial member of my family. It's possible that my decisions will have the final say on certain matters. My hope is that I'll still be living with my parents at that time. Naturally, I'll assist all the members of my family in any way I can. It's my moral obligation to support them, considering all the efforts they have put into shaping my life.

I intend to help them in such a manner that they never experience any lack or need. Just as they took care of me during my childhood, I'll strive to take care of them. In fact, it's my sincere wish to serve and assist them.

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