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Environment Pollution Paragraph | For All Class

Paragraph on "Environment Pollution" [For All Class]

 Environment Pollution Paragraph


Pollution that harms the environment is referred to as environmental pollution. Pollution is getting worse by the day, and so is global warming. There is an imbalance in nature as a result of environmental pollution, and many birds, animals, and plants are on the verge of extinction on a daily basis. The harmful smoke emitted by factories mixes with the air, increasing pollution every time. The only way to eliminate environmental pollution is to plant more trees. We all want a beautiful home, and our country wants a beautiful environment as well.


Pollution is wreaking havoc on our environment on a daily basis. Water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, and land pollution are all examples of pollution. Pollution is wreaking havoc on the environment. Some pollution is caused by humans, while others is caused by nature. The smoke that is emitted from factory chimneys and vehicles is a mixture of poisonous gases. Plants and animals are the worst victims of environmental pollution. Every day, they become extinct.  Flora and fauna are not safe here. Some animals are already on the endangered species list. Marine species are also dying as a result of water pollution.

The temperature is rising, as is the rate of global warming. Planting many trees is the only way to eliminate environmental pollution. We can eliminate many harmful poisonous gases by planting trees. If the earth becomes green again, pollution will be reduced and we will be able to breathe clean air.


The environment pollution is critical to living a healthy life. Our environment shapes an important aspect of human life because it is where we find necessities such as air, water, and food. Environmental pollution has occurred as a result of global industrialization and modernization. Our way of life has also changed. The animals are becoming extinct by the day. The panda, white tiger, and albatross are no longer visible. They are few, and if environmental pollution continues, we will lose our animals within a few decades. The harmful and toxic gases that are released 24 hours a day from factories mix with the air, causing air pollution. Every day, people dump all of their waste materials into the river and sea, poisoning the water.

The most vulnerable marine species are fish, whales, and dolphins. Their precious lives are also lost. One of the causes of soil pollution is erosion. We can save the Earth by planting trees. If we plant trees, our planet will once again be green. We should not cut trees because this will result in deforestation and the loss of the top layer of soil.


Our environment is one of our most valuable assets, and we must protect it from pollution. We should treat our earth's environment as if it were our mother, because our earth also nurtures and shelters us. Will we be able to live if the climate becomes polluted? Water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, land pollution, air pollution, and other types of pollution exist. Pollutants are contaminants in the environment.

The main sources of pollution are industries, which emit harmful and poisonous gases into the atmosphere. This is what causes air pollution. Industrial effluents are also dumped into bodies of water, causing pollution. Another pollutant that contributes to pollution is smoke from combustion, as well as greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, which are prevalent in India.


Environmental pollution contributes to global warming, causing the ice in Antarctica to melt and harmful gases to be released, destroying the entire planet. Animals are in danger, and plants are also dying. Tree cutting is one of the causes of environmental pollution. Instead of cutting down trees, we should plant more and more to enhance the beauty of the planet. We celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th, so we should not only plant trees on that day, but we should plant trees whenever we feel it is necessary.

We should also commemorate Van Mahotsav to spread the message that everyone should plant trees. Every soul bears the responsibility and commitment to preserve and protect our environment from pollution. There is another duty that we must fulfill: we must not dump waste materials in rivers or seawater. We should burn them so that we can produce biogas.


Our surroundings include soil, air, water, and everything else. Environmental pollution is defined as significant changes in the environment's chemical, physical, and biological properties. It has now become a major issue in the developing world. The air is polluted by the continuous fumes emitted by cities' factories and the carbon dioxide gas emitted by automobiles. Uncollected garbage pollutes the ground we walk on in both urban and rural areas. Water is being polluted, primarily by raw sewage garbage. Water is seriously polluted by industrial waste and pesticides. Noise pollution is another type of pollution. We live among the sounds made by automobiles, factories, airplanes, household appliances, radios, CD players, and other devices. Because of pollution, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat are not always safe. Environmental pollution is killing us. So, in order to live a happy and healthy life, environmental pollution must be avoided, and immediate and effective measures must be taken.


Pollution of the environment refers to the destruction of basic environmental elements such as soil, water, air, and the normal structure of the organism. In other words, environment pollution occurs when the environment becomes uninhabitable for animals. The environment is being polluted as a result of human carelessness and excess. There are two primary causes of environmental pollution. Natural causes include storms, floods, tidal waves, volcanoes, earthquakes, and so on. The second type is man-made, which includes things like water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution, and so on. Industrial waste, toxic fumes from vehicles, and other pollutants are circulating in the air and polluting the environment. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are rising as a result of various fossil fuels. Every day, the water in the world's rivers, seas, ponds, and canals becomes more polluted. Industrial waste, chemicals used in crop fields, and other pollutants are polluting the water. Soil pollution is increasing as a result of unplanned urbanization, frequent garbage dumping, the use of toxic chemicals on land, and other factors. Furthermore, the main causes of noise pollution are loud car horns, indiscriminate use of microphones, loud noises from factory equipment, and so on. Overall, environmental pollution has become widespread. According to Bangladesh, pollution levels in third-world countries are even worse. As a result of pollution, the world's climate is changing. Because of the greenhouse effect, the global temperature is constantly rising. The prevalence of various incurable diseases is rising. Pollution has put the entire world's environment in jeopardy today. Our awareness is the key to environmental protection. Reduce the use of fossil fuels and seek out renewable energy sources to ensure their proper utilization. Planting a variety of plants should help to green the environment. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns should be carried out to prevent environmental pollution.

Keep in mind that the loss of a habitable natural environment will make survival on Earth impossible for all living things, including humans. As a result, everyone should be aware in order to keep the environment clean.


People were completely dependent on the environment in prehistoric times. However, as civilization advanced, people began to subjugate nature. Various scientific and technological discoveries have brought people joy and comfort. However, the misuse of the discovered technology is polluting the environment on a daily basis. The environment is made up of both natural and unnatural elements that surround us. Water, soil, and air are all important components of the natural environment. If the desired quality of the environment's elements is lost due to natural or man-made causes, the environment becomes unsafe for humans or animals. This unhealthy state of the environment is referred to as pollution. Natural causes of pollution include storms, floods, tides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and so on. The artificial or man-made factors are population growth, toxic chemicals in industries, and so on.

Consumption, use of fossil fuels in industry and transportation, and so on. Because of these factors, vital elements of the environment such as water, soil, and air are constantly polluted. Furthermore, pesticides, powdered soap, plastic, and other pollutants pollute the environment. Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, CFCs, and other pollutants emitted by industries and vehicles harm the environment. The world's conscious people are concerned about the dire consequences of environmental pollution. Because environmental pollution threatens the survival of human civilization. As a result, the world's conscious people have awakened to the need to protect the environment, and many environmental organizations are springing up. The international community gathers in various environmental conferences to decide what to do to prevent environmental pollution as a result of these organizations' combined efforts. Bangladesh's constitution, like that of many other countries, includes environmental protection clauses. However, environmental pollution cannot be avoided unless people at all levels become environmentally aware.


Environmental pollution is currently one of the most discussed topics in the world. Our environment is polluted in two ways: through air pollution and through water pollution. The air is polluted in numerous ways. Smoke pollutes the atmosphere. Man uses fire to cook food, to make bricks, to melt pitch for road construction, and to burn wood. All of these things produce a lot of smoke, which pollutes the air. Coal and oil are used in railway engines, mills and factories, and power plants. Buses, trucks, and automobiles run on gasoline and diesel. All of these things, once again, contribute to air pollution. Water is polluted in a variety of ways. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides on their farms to increase food production. Some of the chemicals are washed away by rain and flooding. They combine with canal and river water. Mills and factories pollute water by dumping waste and unsold goods into rivers and canals. Steamers, launches, and even sailboats pollute the water by discharging oil, food waste, and human waste into major canals and rivers. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside on the banks of rivers and canals pollute water as well. As a result, air and water are polluted, and our environment suffers as a result.


Nowadays, environmental pollution is a major issue. Pollution has increased dramatically as civilization and industrial sectors have advanced. People are felling trees to make bricks, melting pitch, and so on for road construction. As a result, the air is becoming increasingly polluted. Again, various motor vehicles, power plants, industries, and other sources emit smoke and pollute the air. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields, which pollutes the water and soil. They are eventually mixed with water from various sources. Furthermore, water vehicles and unsanitary hanging latrines on rivers pollute the water significantly. Leaving garbage and human waste around causes odor pollution. As a result, we can see that all vital elements of our environment are losing their freshness and polluting our environment more and more. The consequences of environmental pollution are severe. It causes a variety of diseases that disrupt the ecological balance. People are increasingly concerned about environmental pollution as a threat to our survival.


The environment includes nature, land, air, water, and everything else in which we live. Environmental pollution causes significant changes in the chemical, physical, and biological properties of the environment. It has become a major issue in our country. The air in our cities is constantly polluted by factory smoke and carbon monoxide gases emitted by motor vehicles. Uncollected garbage pollutes the ground we walk on in both urban and rural areas. Water pollution is primarily caused by untreated sewage. Water is dangerously polluted by industrial waste and insecticides. Sound pollution is another type of pollution. There is noise from automobiles, mills and factories, airplanes, domestic appliances, radios, cassette players, and other sources. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume are not always completely safe for our health. Pollution in the environment leads to death. As a result, in order to live a happy and healthy life, environmental pollution must be reduced. And effective steps should be taken right away.


The greatest scourge of modern civilization is environmental pollution. The environment is polluted for a variety of reasons. Pollution is caused by global warming and widespread tree cutting. Automobile exhausts and the gradual increase in the number of vehicles in a busy city life force people to inhale poisonous gases.

Water pollution is caused by industrial waste and the cleaning of utensils and clothing. The excessive use of pesticides has polluted the soil. The use of sound beyond the permissible limit causes sound pollution, which poses a serious threat to us. All of these factors combine to make life difficult. The government should take strict measures to reduce environmental pollution. At the same time, public awareness should be raised for the benefit of all.


Pollution is the degradation of something's purity. And environmental pollution refers to pollution of the air, water, and land around us. Pollution affects our health and causes us harm in a variety of ways. Smoke from vehicles, mill and factory chimneys, cooking ovens, and other sources contribute to air pollution. The air is polluted by the smell of rotten garbage dumped in the streets, the smell of dead or rotten animals, and filthy surface drains. Inhaling impure air is extremely harmful to our lungs.

When dirty, poisonous refuse from mills and factories is discharged into rivers, it pollutes the water. This water will harm our health if we drink it. The shrill sounds of lorry and bus horns, microphones, and fireworks contribute to noise pollution. Sound pollution impairs our ability to hear. As a result, if we want to live a healthy life, we must work to reduce pollution.


Pollution of the human environment is referred to as environmental pollution. The term "environment" refers to a broad range of conditions and is a technical term. It includes the elements of air and atmosphere, water, land, sound, and minerals. Environmental pollution is the process by which various elements in the environment become polluted. In today's complicated, industrialized world, various natural elements are easily polluted by various factors.

As a result, there is air pollution. This is primarily caused by smoke from modern factory chimneys or gas from automobiles and engines. Industrialization causes water pollution. The excessive use of fertilizer pollutes the land. Pollution of the environment has disastrous consequences. It makes life difficult and the mind morbid. People are afflicted with strange and dreadful diseases, as well as mental disorders.

To control pollution, new scientific and technological measures are required. To combat this, proper plans for garbage removal, soil conservation, and river cleaning must be implemented.


Environmental pollution is the addition of certain materials to the physical environment (water, air, and land) that can have a negative impact on various forms of life. At the moment, our environment is becoming increasingly polluted, causing significant harm to all forms of life on Earth.

Environmental pollution is a direct result of industrial development. As a result, it is more noticeable in larger cities and industrial belts. The air in these areas is polluted by automobile exhausts, furnaces, industrial soots, boiler smoke emissions, and so on. Garbage and other refuse decompose and pollute the atmosphere. The indiscriminate combustion of various conventional and unconventional fuels is to blame for the large-scale accumulation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the air we breathe. Green forests purify the air, but as trees are felled at random, the percentage of these highly toxic gases in the air increases.

Large amounts of industrial waste are discharged into rivers or lakes as industries develop. As a result, toxic chemicals pollute the water, killing marine life. Refinery emissions float in the seas, destroying marine life and coastal vegetation. However, carbon emissions and radioactive wastes are the most significant contributors to environmental pollution, polluting the atmosphere beyond comprehension.

As a result, the air we breathe and the water we drink are not always safe or pure. The necessary steps must be taken to identify and eliminate the sources of pollution. People should be encouraged to plant more trees in order to clean the air. For general consumption, smoke iced. Industries should be prohibited from discharging any poisonous or noxious matter into any stream or river. To prevent the emission of harmful gases, strict controls must be implemented. Violations of the rules and regulations should result in severe penalties.

The cost of pollution could be the extinction of humanity. To save this planet from environmental pollution, we must take every precaution.


The things that exist around us are referred to as our environment. The elements of the environment are air, water, earth, trees, animals, and so on. Our lives are inextricably linked to the environment. As a result, any pollution of the environment endangers our lives. The environment is polluted in numerous ways. Air is an essential component of the environment. Smoke and other gases pollute the atmosphere. Mills and factories emit a lot of gases, such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Many vehicles emit smoke and pollute the environment. Water is another essential component of our environment. Mills and factories, water - vehicles, and humans pollute the water with their waste products and garbage. We are also influenced by noise and odor pollution. Environmental pollution has a negative impact on our lives and causes a variety of diseases. As a result, we must work harder to keep our environment clean.


The term "environment" refers to all of the natural materials that surround us, such as air, water, and land, in which people, animals, and plants live. Pollution is defined as contamination of the environment. The primary elements of the environment are humans, animals, plants, air, water, and soil. Our environment is primarily polluted in two ways: air pollution and water pollution. The air is polluted in numerous ways. Air pollution is caused by smoke from mills, factories, and vehicles such as buses and trucks. Serious air pollution is especially prevalent in large cities and industrial areas. Chemical fertilizers and insecticides used on the land also pollute the water. Mills and factories pollute water by discharging waste into rivers and canals. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside on the banks of rivers and canals pollute water as well.  As a result, the air and water are polluted. As a result, our environment becomes polluted. Every year, millions of people worldwide die as a result of pollution. Pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases are caused by air pollution.  Water pollution causes cholera, diarrhoea, and other illnesses. We must recognize that both air and water are necessary for survival. They are also known as life.  As a result, we must take decisive action to keep the environment clean. We can also raise public awareness about various types of pollution.

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