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Our National Flag Paragraph | For All Class

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Our National Flag Paragraph


The Bangladesh National Flag Graph; A national flag is a symbol of a free nation. As a free nation, we also have our own national flag. It represents our country's integrity, solidarity, and sovereignty. We got our national flag after a bloody war with Pakistan in 1971. Our national flag measures 10:6 in length and width. It has a rectangular shape. It is constructed of cotton, linen, or silk. It is a two-color combination. The majority of it is dark green. In the center, there is a deep red round color part. It appears to be the rising sun.

The green color of our national flag represents the nation's eternal youth, freshness, and vigor. It also represents our beloved country's evergreenery. The red circle on our national flag represents the rising sun of independence. Our national flag is the source of our youth's spirit, hopes, and aspirations. Every day, it is flown over our government buildings and educational institutions. On days of national mourning, it is flown at half-mast. Furthermore, it is flown everywhere on Independence Day and Victory Day. We are extremely proud of our national flag.


A free country's freedom and sovereignty are symbolized by its national flag. Every independent country has its own national flag. Bangladesh is an independent country with its own national flag. It has a rectangular shape. The flag's length and width are 10:6. In the center is a red circle. The green color represents youth, while the red color represents the rising sun. It also represents our freedom fighters' supreme sacrifices and language myrtles. It is held on the roofs of major government buildings and educational institutions every day. On Shaded Day, it is flown at half mast. Our national flag makes me proud because it symbolizes our independence. On December 16, 1971, we declared our independence from Pakistan. We must uphold its honor by performing our national duties correctly. For the sake of our country and its sovereignty, we must give our lives.


The Indian national flag represents the country's freedom and unity. It has a rectangular shape. It is also known as 'tricolor' or 'tiranaga' because of its three colors. Saffron is at the top, white is in the middle, and green is at the bottom. Saffron represents bravery and sacrifice, white represents peace and truth, and green represents faith and chivalry. It has an Ashoka chakra in the center with 24 blue spokes. On important occasions such as Independence Day, Republic Day, and other holidays, the national flag is raised. It's made of khadi fabric. It represents our liberation struggle, national pride, and history. Our national flag must always be respected and honored.


Each independent country has its own flag. It represents a free nation's freedom and sovereignty. Bangladesh, as a free nation, has its own flag. Our people are proud of their flag because it symbolizes that Bangladesh is a free and sovereign country. Our national flag reminds us of the valiant struggle of the country's liberators. Our national flag is rectangular in shape: 10: 6. It is proportional, but the size of the flag varies depending on its use. Every day, the flag is raised atop our most important government buildings and educational institutions. It was hoisted everywhere on Independence Day and Victory Day. National flags were flying half-handed everywhere on National Mourning Day. There are two distinct colors. They are green and red in color. The green color of the flag represents youth, while the red color represents the sacrifice of freedom fighters who gave their lives. Every time we salute our national flag and remember our freedom fighters' supreme sacrifice. I am very proud of my national flag because it reminds me that I am a Bangladeshi citizen whenever and wherever I see it. I can keep that honor by doing our national duty properly.


The national flag is a piece of fabric with a distinctive and distinct color design. It is used to represent a specific country. Every country in the world has its own national flag. It is a national symbol of independence.

Bangladesh, as an independent country, has its own flag. This was accomplished in 1971 at a cost of 30 lac martyrs. Its length to breadth ratio is 10:6. Our national flag consists of a green rectangle with a red circle in the center. The red circle's radius is one-fifth the length of the flag. The color green represents our green fields and our country's youthful vigour. The blood of our 30 lac martyrs who gave their lives for the country is represented by the red circle. The red circle represents the red sun of liberty and new hope for a new nation. Bangladesh gained independence on December 16, 1971, after a 9-month bloody war. Every government office, institute, and organization in Bangladesh displays the national flag. On days of national mourning, it is flown at half-mast.

Our national flag reminds us of our heroic sons' supreme sacrifice. It motivates us to die for our country. We must be determined to uphold the honor of our national flag and fulfill our responsibilities to the country.


The national flag represents a country's independence and sovereignty. Every independent country on the planet has its own national flag. The national flag is typically made of a single piece of cloth. It has a fixed size. It makes any country known to the rest of the world's people. We live in a sovereign state. We have our own national flag as well. Its aspect ratio is 10:6. It is available in cotton or silk fabric. Our national flag is green with a red circle in the middle. The color green represents youth and peace. After a long period of darkness, the red circle represents sunrise. It portends a bright future for the country. Furthermore, the red color used in the circle represents the red blood of the heroic martyrs.

Kamrul Hasan designed our national flag. The national flag is displayed prominently in government buildings, courts, and educational institutions. Furthermore, on national holidays, the national flag is flown everywhere in the country. During international sports, fans fly a country's flag to cheer on its athletes. On National Mourning Day, it is flown at half-mast. I am extremely proud of our national flag.


A national flag is a piece of cloth in a specific color that serves as a symbol of a specific country. It is a national symbol of liberty. Every independent nation on the planet has its own flag. Bangladesh is a sovereign country. We also have a national flag as an independent country. We won our beloved national flag in a bloody war in 1971. As a result, the national flag represents our pride. Bangladesh's national flag has a length-to-width ratio of 10:6. Our national flag is rectangular with a red round circle in the center. One-fifth of the length of the flag is the radius of the circular circle.

The two colors in the national flag have meaning. Green represents the people's youthful vitality as well as Bangladesh's green fields and forests. The red circle, on the other hand, represents a rising sun containing the newly formed nation's hopes and aspirations. Furthermore, the red color used in the circle represents the brave martyrs' red blood. It is reminiscent of Bangladesh's independence. During the war, many freedom fighters in this country gave their lives for the sake of the country's freedom. Bangladesh gained independence on December 16, 1971, in exchange for their red blood. Bangladesh's national flag is flown over all government offices and institutions. Furthermore, all educational institutions flew the national flag in foreign missions. On national mourning days, the flag is flown at half-mast. Our national flag instills patriotism in us and motivates us to always give our lives for the greater good of the state. The national flag represents our pride.


Every country has its own national flag. Bangladesh, as an independent country, has its own flag. A national flag is a symbol of a country's freedom. Our national flag is square. The flag's background is bottle green, with a red circle in the center. The color green represents our country's everlasting freshness, vigour, and vitality. The red circle represents the red sun of liberty. The sun's blood-red color is a memorial to the bloody war and the sacrifice of 30 lac martyrs' lives. The length to width ratio of the flag is 10:6. We are proud of our country and are determined to maintain the honor of our national flag.


A national flag is a symbol of a free country's independence and sovereignty. Every free country on the planet has its own flag. Bangladesh, too, has a national flag because it is an independent country.

Bangladesh received this flag on December 16, 1971, following a nine-month-long valiant struggle between our heroic freedom fighters and the occupying Pakistani army.

Bangladesh's national flag is rectangular in shape and has a proportion of 10:6 or 5:3. Our flag has two colors: green and red. The green color of our flag represents the nation's eternal youth, vigour, and freshness. It also represents Bangladesh's lush greenery. The color red represents the rising sun of independence. It represents the supreme sacrifices of our valiant freedom fighters who laid down their lives for the sake of their homeland.

Every day, the flag is hoisted atop government buildings and educational institutions. When we see our national flag flying, our minds are filled with joy and our hearts are filled with pride. We are extremely proud of our national flag.


A national flag is a symbol of a free country's independence. Every free nation on the planet has its own flag. Bangladesh has a national flag as well. This national flag was obtained at the cost of a bloody war in 1971. Our national flag is rectangular in shape. The length and width of the flag are 10:6 in proportion. Our national flag is made up of two colors. They are red and bottle green. A red circle is in the center of the green rectangular in the flag. Bangladesh's greenery is represented by the color green. The flag's red circle represents the blood of our national heroes. They gave their lives for the country in 1971. Every day, the flag is flown from the tops of government buildings, educational institutions, and offices. It is also flown everywhere on Independence Day and Victory Day.  We adore and value our national flag. We are extremely proud of our national flag.

A country's national flag serves as an important symbol of its identity and sovereignty. A typical national flag is a rectangular piece of cloth with a distinctive design and colors representing the country's culture, history, values, and ideals. A national flag's design can include shapes, symbols, and patterns that have special meaning or significance to the people of the country.

The national flag is a source of pride for the citizens of a country, and its display is frequently accompanied by ceremonies and rituals. On national holidays and special occasions, the flag may be flown from government buildings, public institutions, and private residences.


The national flag is a symbol of a country's independence. Our national flag is a straightforward rectangular flag. It has a length-to-width ratio of 5:3. It is available in two colors: red and deep green. The majority of the flag is green, with a round red portion in the center. Green represents Bangladesh's green lands, while red represents the sun. It can be of various sizes. It is always affixed to a significant government structure. Every independent nation regards its flag as more precious, holy, and valuable than any other possession.


A nation's national flag is a symbol of its independence. Our national flag represents liberty. Our national flag is one of the most beautiful in the world. It has a rectangular shape. It has a length-to-width ratio of 5:3. It's made of green and red fabric. Our national flag has a bottle green background. In the center, there is a large red circle. Our national flag has profound meaning. The green color represents Bangladesh's green fields. We obtained our liberty at the cost of blood. My people gave their lives for our liberty. As a result, the red color in the middle of the flag represents the blood of the martyrs. Our national flag was designed by renowned Bangladeshi painter Kamrul Hasan. It bears witness to our sacrifice. Our national flag is regarded as a symbol of our independence. We are very proud of it. When we look at it, it fills our hearts with love and respect for the country. We can uphold its honor by performing our national duties correctly. It is more important to us than our lives.


Our National Flag is a huge accomplishment for us. This flag represents our pride and glory. Write a paragraph about the significance of the red center in the national flag's green field.

Our national flag represents our freedom and sovereignty. It is our source of pride and glory. Prior to 1971, we were not independent. We didn't have a country or a flag to represent ourselves. We have been deprived and exploited for a long time. Finally, in 1971, we achieved independence from exploitation and deprivation through a liberation war. And created a new country, Bangladesh, as well as its flag. Our national flag is green with a red circle in the center. Bangladesh has approximately 68 thousand green villages. The green of our flag reflects the green of rural Bengal. The red circle in the center of the flag represents the rising sun over the green village, as well as the blood of freedom fighters who gave their lives in the cause of liberty. In our government. The national flag is flown over the office. On special occasions, it is flown at half-mast. We, the entire country, are determined to maintain its high regard.


Every country has its own national flag. A national flag represents a country's identity. Our national flag represents our country's sovereignty and unity. Our national flag has some unique characteristics. First and foremost, it is rectangular. Second, it has a length-to-width ratio of 10: 6. Third, if the length of the flag is divided by ten, the radius of the red sun in the center will be one-fifth of its length. Finally, if the length and width are divided into two parts, the point where the two lines intersect should be the center of the sun. Our national flag has a Prussian green background with a red sun in the center. The green background of the flag represents our country's green landscape. The blood-red sun in the center represents the enormous bloodshed of freedom fighters and the people of this country in order to gain independence. It is also a reflection of our national pride.


The national flag represents independence and prosperity. It expresses a nation's identity. No nation can express itself among the nations of the world without a national flag. Because the national flag aids in distinguishing one nation from the rest of the world's nations. As a result, every independent nation has its own flag. We, like others, have one. Our national flag represents both independence and prosperity. It has a rectangular shape. In the midst of the green, there is a red circle. The length to width ratio of the flag is 10:6. It employs the colors red and green. They represent the evergreen martyrs who gave their lives for our country's freedom. It was created by late artist Kamrul Hasan. It is flown at top public and private buildings on various national occasions. On March 2, 1971, it was first raised on the campus of the University of Dhaka. As the nation's representative, A.S.M. Abdur Rob, Vice President of DACSU, raised it for the first time. Earlier, the design of that flag was slightly different. The map of Bangladesh was then in the center of green color. Our national flag symbolizes our country's identity. It expresses our pride and assists us in raising our heads among the nations of the world as an independent and courageous nation. It is our obligation to respect and honor our national flag. To refuse to respect our national flag is to dishonour our entire nation. As a result, we should all be aware of it.

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