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A Street Hawker Paragraph | For All Class

Paragraph on "A Street Hawker" For All Class

A Street Hawker Paragraph


Someone who sells goods on the streets is known as a street hawker. He is a well-known figure in both the village and the town. To attract the attention of his customers, he dresses up in strange costumes and makes strange noises. He usually buys his goods at a low cost and sells them at a high profit. His products primarily appeal to women and children. Cosmetics, toys, fruits and vegetables, clothing, utensils, handicrafts, and books are among the items he sells. He shouts about his products and tells people to buy them.

He can manage low-income customers in some way. A street vendor is a low-income member of our community. He leaves the house early in the morning, carrying goods on his head or in his hands. A hawker works hard but does not make a lot of money. He has little money and even less income. He is having difficulty managing his family. As a result, we should respect him for his excellent service.


A street hawker is a man who moves from one street to another selling various items. He works for himself. He usually rents a very cheap house or lives in a slum. He is a well-known figure. He can be found in almost any village or town. He transports his belongings on his head, in his hands, and in a small handcart. He makes money by selling low-priced items. Toys, cosmetics, sweets, clothing, fruits and vegetables, pots and utensils, and other items are frequently sold by him.

A street hawker speaks in a variety of ways, wears bright clothing, and enjoys blowing the horn or raising his voice to attract the attention of his customers. He has to walk for hours in order to sell his products. His days are spent selling these items. He gets up early in the morning and prepares his merchandise for sale. He leads a simple existence. He has to work extremely hard to provide for his family. Despite his efforts, he continues to live in poverty. We must respect his efforts and never look down on him.


A street hawker is a man who moves from one location to another selling his wares. He occasionally appears early in the morning. He frequently sells a wide range of products, including toys, clothing, accessories, vegetables and fruits, and so on. He begins yelling the names of the products he sells. His main customers are children and women. He walks the streets from morning to evening. To attract people, he used a loudspeaker. He has no trouble persuading the women and children. As a result, he makes a profit.

A street hawker is a low-income individual. He leads a simple life. He has little ambition in life. He makes very little money, but he is content with it. He goes from door to door selling his wares. He sells his goods at a low cost, which makes him appealing to the poor. He works nonstop from morning to evening. He occasionally defrauds his customers by providing them with low-quality goods. People should exercise caution when purchasing products from them. Nonetheless, he contributes significantly to our well-being. We get a lot of his products at home. As a result, we should appreciate his efforts.


A street hawker is someone who sells goods on the street, whether they are stationary or mobile. In general, he sells low-cost items such as fish, fruits, vegetables, clothing, handicrafts, utensils, fancy goods, newspapers, and books. He carries merchandise in his hands or on his shoulders.  To attract customers, street hawkers frequently advertise their wares loudly. They also dress strangely, sing songs, dance, and play music to inform customers about their products. Children and women are seen joyfully gathered around them.  A street hawker works from dawn to dusk to earn a living. He sells the items we require to live comfortably. The street hawkers' service is also a contribution to our society. Sometimes street hawkers are seen selling low-quality items at exorbitant prices, causing customers to suffer. As a result, we should exercise caution when purchasing items from hawkers. A street hawker is a low-income individual. He has a difficult life with little money. We should keep an open mind about them.


A street hawker is someone who sells goods on the street while sitting or walking. He is a well-known market figure. In general, he sells low-cost items such as fish, fruits, vegetables, clothing, handicrafts, utensils, fancy goods, newspapers, and books. All of these products are, in many cases, of low quality; however, the prices are within the people's purchasing power. As a result, low-income individuals are drawn to them. In our society, a street hawker is a poor person. He leaves the house in the morning, carrying goods for sale in his hands or on his shoulders. Some of them sell their wares while driving from one location to another in a van. He advertises his products loudly and tells people to buy them. Some of them draw attention by performing songs, instruments, dances, and so on. As a result, they sell all of their products and earn a small amount of money to make a living. Their products help us live better lives. They sometimes sell low-quality products at exorbitant prices, causing consumers to suffer. As a result, we should exercise caution when purchasing items from them. In our society, a street hawker is a poor person. We should keep an eye on them with sympathy.


A street hawker is a common sight in cities. He sells a wide range of products. He moves from one street to the next. He carries his belongings on his head, in his hands, and occasionally in a small hand-cart. He brings toys, bangles, ribbons, clothing, sweets, fruits, utensils, newspapers, fancy goods, and household items up to people's doors and sells them. He is a wise man who knows how to run a business. He brings one type of item for children, another for women, and yet another for men. He selects items for children that will appeal to children and items for women that will appeal to women. As a result, he must exercise extreme caution when selecting items to sell. To attract the attention of his customers, he makes an unusual cry as he walks down the street. Children gather around him and stop him here and there. The hawker usually chooses an hour when the family's master is away and the women are free from household duties. He hopes to strike a good deal as a result. We see hawkers everywhere in towns, and many of them are doing well. On the contrary, there are hawkers who buy newspapers, blank pots, old books, and worn-out cloths from people's homes. Children, on the other hand, adore hawkers, while men despise them. He moves from door to door while carrying the goods for sale in his hands or over his shoulders. He occasionally moves his moving business from one street to another. The life of a street hawker is not easy or comfortable, but it is necessary to respect them.


A street hawker is a person who sells goods on the street. He can be found on the streets of any major city or town. A street hawker may be found selling newspapers, clothes, household items, vegetables or fish, chocolate and candy, ice cream, and a variety of other items. He is a poor man who is working hard to earn a living and provide for his family. He must sell his goods in some way. He tries to persuade bystanders or passengers in public transportation.

We see hawkers, and many of them do well. On the contrary, there are hawkers who buy newspapers, blank pots, old books, and worn-out clothes from people's homes. Children, on the other hand, adore hawkers, while men despise them.

He moves from door to door while carrying the goods for sale in his hands or on his shoulders. He occasionally moves his moving business from one street to another. The life of a street hawker is not easy or comfortable; rather, it is difficult and full of hardship.

To impress the buyers, he has to talk a lot. People are constantly undermining him, and he is frequently mistreated by the uncaring. Of course, he may also defraud people by charging higher prices or selling tainted goods.

However, the street hawker provides many necessities. Society should not mock them solely because of their poverty and simple way of life. It is the government's responsibility to register all hawkers and provide them with assistance such as a loan with easy terms and no interest.


A street hawker is someone who moves from street to street selling various items. He is a self-employed individual. In the cities and towns, he is the most well-known figure. He is also seen in a village. He wears an unusual outfit of various colors and makes an unusual sound to attract the attention of his customers. His job is exhausting. He carries his materials on his head, in his hand, in a bag, and occasionally in a small handcart. He typically purchases his goods at a lower cost and sells them at a profit. His products are mostly appealing to women and children. He typically sells toys, cosmetics, ready-made garments, utensils, sweets, ribbons, fruits, and other similar items. In most cases, he comes to sell his goods when the housemaster is not present. He employs a variety of techniques to persuade his customers. He asserts that his products are of the highest quality. He maintains good communication with his customers, who are mostly children. However, despite his hard work, a street hawker does not make much money. He has very little capital and earns very little. As a result, he struggles to support his family. We should respect him because he earns his living through hard work.


A street hawker is a man who sells various items by moving from one street to the next. He is a self-employed individual. He is a well-known figure in cities and towns. He makes an unusual cry in order to attract the attention of his customers. He's dressed strangely in a variety of colors. He employs various tricks to catch the attention of the customers. He transports his goods in bundles or in a basket.

He occasionally walks around with his goods on a wheeled platform. His typical customers are children and women. They agree to pay whatever price he demands because they are credulous. As a result, He dislikes elderly men. He typically sells toys. Cosmetics, ready-made garments, daily necessities, utensils, and a variety of colored and shaped balloons. Children swarm around him, and women applaud.

He is a wise man. When the elderly people are on duty or on business, he leaves his moving business. He charges a higher price for his goods, but he sells them at a lower price. However, for some, he is a familiar face. Despite his efforts, his life is miserable. He lives a subhuman existence almost all of the time.


A street hawker is someone who sells goods on the streets. He is a self-employed individual. He is well-known throughout the city and town. He has also been spotted in the village. She dresses up in strange costumes and makes strange noises to attract the attention of his customers. His belongings are carried on his head, in his hands, in a bag, or in a handcart. He typically purchases his goods at low prices and sells them at a high profit. Its products are primarily appealing to women and children. He typically sells toys, cosmetics, ribbons, ready-made garments, utensils, sweets, and fruits, among other things. He usually comes to sell his goods when the landlord is not present. To attract customers, he employs a variety of strategies. He asserts that his product is of the highest quality. Because children are his favorite customers, he protects them through effective communication. Even if a peddler works hard, he will not make much money. He usually has little money and earns little. He is struggling to provide for his family. As a result, we should recognize him for his outstanding service.


A street hawker sells various items while hawking from one street to the next. He carries his materials on his head, in his hand, and in a small handicraft. He typically purchases his goods at a lower cost and sells them at a profit. A street hawker is very astute. He is an expert in his field. His clients include both children and women. He brings toys, sweets, and other items for children and sells them at a reasonable price. He also brings bangles, ribbons, clothing, fruits, utensils, fancy goods, and items for women's domestic use. He speaks in a variety of ways to catch the attention of his customers. A hawker is also aware of the time and hour of his business. He never comes when the housemasters are present. Rather, he comes when the housemasters are away and the women are free from their household chores and responsibilities.


A hawker is a common sight on a city or town street or in a train compartment. He carries things on his head, in his hands, in a bag, and occasionally in a small hand-cart. He sells a variety of items such as sweets, drinks, books, pens, medicines, and so on. He employs a variety of techniques to entice buyers. He occasionally starts singing or acting. He is both amusing and irritating at times. He sells items at a lower price than the permanent shopkeepers. It is possible because he does not have to pay rent for a shop or a salary to a salesman. He's like a moving company and a salesman rolled into one. But it's a shame he has to work so hard to survive from hand to mouth.


A street hawker is someone who moves from street to street selling various items. He is a self-employed individual. In the cities and towns, he is the most well-known figure. He is also seen in a village. He wears a strange dress of various colors and makes strange sounds to attract the attention of his customers. His job is exhausting. He carries his materials on his head, in his hand, in a bag, and in a small handcart. He typically purchases his goods at a lower cost and sells them at a profit. His products are mostly appealing to women and children. He typically sells toys, cosmetics, ribbons, ready-made garments, utensils, sweets, and fruits, among other things. He usually comes to sell his goods when the housemaster is not present. He employs various techniques to persuade his customers. He asserts that his products are of the highest quality. He maintains good communication with his customers, who are mostly children. Even though a street hawker works hard, he does not make much money. He usually has a small capital and earns little. He is struggling to provide for his family. As a result, we should respect him for his struggle.


A street hawker is a man who sells various items by moving from one street to the next. He is a self-employed individual. He usually lives in a slum or in a low-rent house. He's a well-known figure. He can be found almost anywhere in a village or town. He carries his materials on his head, in his hands, and in a small handcart. He survives by selling low-cost goods. He is a very astute individual. He buys goods at a lower cost and sells them for a profit. He sells toys, cosmetics, ready-made clothing, utensils, sweets, ribbons, fruits, and other items. He usually appears at noon or when the house master is not present. He speaks in a variety of ways, wears colorful clothing, and occasionally plays sute or raises his voice to attract the attention of his customers. He walks for hours to sell his merchandise. As a result, he spends his days selling these items. He gets up early every morning to sort his products for sale. He lives a simple life. He has to put in a lot of effort to make a living. He manages his family despite the difficulties. Even though he works hard and employs various tricks, he lives in poverty.


A street hawker is someone who sells various items while moving from one street to another. He is a well-known figure in cities and towns, as well as in villages. He transports his goods on his head, in his hands, or in a small handcart. A typical street hawker sells toys, sweets, and other items. He also sells bangles, ribbons, clothing, fancy goods, and household items for women. Children and women are his main customers. He is extremely intelligent. His tactful words can persuade his customers. He purchases his goods at a low cost and sells them at a high profit. He knows exactly when to come out to sell his items. He appears when the men are out of the house and the women are free from their household duties/chores. He makes a lot of money by selling his goods to children and women because he can easily deceive them. He draws his customers' attention by speaking in a variety of ways. He may be cunning, but his importance to children and women cannot be overlooked. He delivered many necessities to our door. Despite the fact that he is useful to us and works hard, he lives a miserable life.

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