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A dialogue between myself and a book seller about buying a book

Me: Good morning.
Bookseller: Good morning! How can I assist you, sir?
Me: I want to purchase a grammar book.
Bookseller: Sure, here are some books. You can pick one from these.
Me: Oh, I'm looking for the best option.
Bookseller: How about the Advanced Learners Grammar and Composition?
Me: Is that the top choice?
Bookseller: Yes, it's a really good grammar book.
Me: Let me take a look.
Bookseller: Here it is.
Me: This does seem like an excellent grammar book. I've been searching for something like this. I'll take it.
Bookseller: It's a bit expensive, though.
Me: That's okay, I have the money right here.
Bookseller: Thank you.
Me: You're welcome.
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