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A dialogue between a student and a teacher about how to improve in English.

Student: Can I ask you something, Sir?
Teacher: Of course, go ahead and tell me what you want to know.
Student: Why is it hard for me to talk in English without stopping?
Teacher: Speaking English well comes mainly from practicing.
Student: What can I do to get better, Sir?
Teacher: To become good at speaking, you need to be good at listening. Remember, learning to listen is the first step to talking smoothly.
Student: How can I do that, sir?
Teacher: First, follow what your English teacher says. Second, listen to conversations in English movies. Then, try speaking English in your everyday life.
Student: What more can I do to get better at speaking?
Teacher: Watch and listen to news presenters on TV and radio. Also, practice speaking English with your friends. Keep in mind, practicing leads to improvement.
Student: Thanks for your helpful ideas.
Teacher: You're welcome.
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