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A dialogue between two friends about democracy and discipline

Basit: Discipline and democracy are closely connected.
Asma: Without discipline, democracy can turn into chaos.
B: Democracy doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
A: But some misuse their freedom in a democracy.
B: Misusing freedom in a democracy is not right.
A: People who lack discipline can't succeed with democracy.
B: Democracy gives rights, but rights need duties too.
A: Yes, exactly.
B: Basically, for rights, you must also do your duties.
A: You're right, Basit. No rights without duties.
B: Look at countries like Japan and Germany – they're disciplined and advanced.
A: Right, they've succeeded because of discipline.
B: In a democracy, lack of discipline leads to failure.
A: Successful democracies have disciplined people.
B: Switzerland's democracy works due to its disciplined citizens.
A: In Asia and Africa, some countries struggle with democracy due to discipline issues.
B: Pakistan has a democratic government too. Let's promote discipline for successful democracy.
A: That's how we can make our nation strong and prosperous.
B: We all agree with you.
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