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A dialogue between a salesman and customer

Salesman: Good morning! Can I have a moment of your time? I've got an idea that I think you'll like.

Customer: I'm quite busy right now.

S: I understand, but what I want to talk about could actually make you less busy in the future.

C: What is it?

S: Have you ever thought about the pipes in your house?

C: You mean the ones for water?

S: Exactly! Water pipes run everywhere in a house, but over time, they can get blocked. Think about all the water that goes through them daily – it leaves behind deposits that can clog the pipes completely.

C: That does sound concerning.

S: Well, I have good news. We've come up with a solution – it's called Franco's Flush Fast Water Mixture. This new invention can prevent clogged pipes. By using it regularly in your water tank, you'll have clean pipes and worry less about water flow.

C: That sounds interesting.

S: And the best part is, a whole case of Franco's Flush Fast Water Mixture is only two thousand. You'll get twelve containers in a cream plastic case, along with clear instructions on how to use it.

C: It's a good deal.

S: Absolutely! For just two thousand, you'll have clean pipes and peace of mind.

C: Okay, here's the money.

S: Thank you! Here's your specially designed cream plastic case. I'm confident you'll be happy with your purchase. Good luck, and enjoy the satisfaction of having clean pipes!
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