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A dialogue between two friends about buying tickets

Arif: It's really cold here! Why isn't the heater working?
Rabia: I have an idea. How about we go outside?
A: Outside? In this cold? It's snowing!
R: I mean, let's go to a warm place... like a movie, maybe? I heard they're showing Casablanca at the theater nearby.
A: Casablanca! You know I don't enjoy old films!
R: Oh, come on, Arif!
A: Seriously, Rabia, I...
R: Just give it a chance, Arif. It'll be cozy in the theater... Let's check the time, it's around 7:15 now. I'll call the theater and see.
R: Oh no...
A: What happened?
R: I can't see! (Talking to a man) Excuse me, sir... is this seat taken?
Man: Um... no, it's not.
R: Let's move one seat over, Arif.
Woman: Shh!
R: Oh, I really adore Janoon Group!
A: Yeah, well, at least it was warm in there... What's that?
R: Oh, I almost forgot. Remember that competition you joined last month?
A: Oh, right. For the free trip to Karachi Beach.
R: Well, this letter arrived today.
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