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A dialogue between two friends at the supermarket

Two friends talking in the store

Sohail: Hi, Jamil!
Jamil: Hey there, Sohail! What a nice day, right?
S: Oh yes, the weather's great. It rained a lot last night, which probably made it cooler. By the way, where are you headed?
J: I'm going to the supermarket. I always shop there. Where do you shop?
S: I just go to nearby stores. Doesn't matter which one.
J: Well, supermarkets have some good things. You can stroll around, take your time picking what you want, and enjoy shopping. They put everything neatly on shelves with prices on them. New stuff is easy to find. It's a kind of store where you get what you need yourself.
S: You shop a lot?
J: Yeah, I do. My family is big, so I have to buy a bunch of things.
S: My family's small, so I don't need to buy much.
J: Even then, supermarkets are cool. They only sell good stuff. Everything is packed up, closed, named, and shown nicely.
S: How often do you go there?
J: It's close to my house. I go there at least two times every week. Usually, my wife comes with me. But today I'm in a hurry, so she's not here.
S: Alright, I won't keep you then.
J: I think I forgot my list at home. I left it there.
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