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A dialogue between two friends on rising prices.

Aslam: How are you doing?
Ali: I'm good, and you?

Aslam: I'm good too. But it looks like you're lost in thought. What's on your mind?
Ali: You're correct. It's strange how the prices of everyday things just keep going up.

Aslam: Absolutely, the prices are higher than ever before.
Ali: Exactly! Basic foods like rice, fish, meat, chicken, cooking oil, and vegetables are being sold at really high prices.

Aslam: True. And even things like paper, pens, and other school supplies are getting more expensive quickly.
Ali: Yes, which is causing problems for both parents and students.

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Aslam: You're right. There are several reasons behind this. One big reason is that we don't control our spending when we shop.
Ali: No, that's not entirely true. Prices are going up because there's not enough supply for the high demand.

Aslam: That might be true, but I feel like the government doesn't have control over the prices. Each shopkeeper charges whatever they want.
Ali: I agree with you. The world is dealing with overpopulation – there are too many people, but not enough resources. That's why we're facing these issues.

Aslam: I believe the solution is to live more moderately. Also, the government should increase the salaries of its employees.
Ali: Absolutely, and if they set up more shops with fair prices and organize special markets, the prices might come down. Alright, see you later!
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