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Dialogue Between Two Friends on Bad Effects of Student Politics

Arslan: Hey Ali, how are you doing?
Ali: I'm good, and how about you?

Arslan: I'm good too. But I'm a bit worried about something.
Ali: What's bothering you? Can you tell me more?

Arslan: Sure, it's about the negative student politics in our country.
Ali: I totally get it. It's a big issue, especially for us as university students.

Arslan: What do you mean? Are you also facing problems because of student politics?
Ali: Yes, sometimes our studies are seriously affected by the politics among students.

Arslan: Did you know that student politics used to play an important role in the past?
Ali: Yep, I'm aware. It played a significant role in events like the Language Movement and the War of Liberation.

Arslan: You're right. But the student politics nowadays isn't something we can support.
Ali: True, the way it is now, it's turned into more of a business. It's ruining the futures of our talented students.

Arslan: You're absolutely correct. Corrupt politicians are using students for their own gain. Sadly, many students don't realize this.
Ali: Exactly! Instead of doing good, they're causing chaos and even violence in educational institutions under the name of student politics.

Arslan: Absolutely! In my opinion, it should be completely banned for the country's betterment.
Ali: I'm on the same page with you. Thanks a lot and bye for now.
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