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Application for changing an elective subject

Date: April 19, 2009

The Principal,
KD College, Dhaka.

Subject: Application for Changing Elective Subject

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am Stela Cole, a student of class XI in the Science group at your college. I am writing this letter with utmost respect to request a change in my elective subject. Currently, I have chosen mathematics as one of my electives, but I am finding it difficult to develop an interest in this subject. Hence, I would like to switch to biology, as I believe it will significantly benefit my academic progress.

I attend all my classes regularly and am committed to my studies. However, I feel that changing the elective subject to biology will align better with my academic interests and goals.

I kindly request your permission to make this change, and I sincerely hope that you would consider my request positively.

Yours sincerely,

Stela Cole
Class: XI
Group: Science
Class Roll: 03
KD College, Dhaka.
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