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Application for Study Tour or Excursion

Application for Study Tour or Excursion:

Dear Principal / Headmaster,

I am a student at KDC College / KDC High School. My classmates and I are excited about the idea of going on a study tour or excursion. To make this happen, we kindly seek your permission as the principal of the college or headmaster of the school.

Thank you.

[Your Name]
[Class Name]


Study Tour in Saint Martin Island:

Application for Study Tour in Saint Martin Island:

Date: 11th January 2021

The Principal / The Headmaster,
KDC College, Dhaka / KDC School

Subject: Request for Permission - Study Tour to Foys Lake

Respected Sir,

We, the students of Class XII (or Class X for school) at your esteemed institution, wish to bring to your attention our desire to embark on a study tour (or excursion) to Foys Lake in Chittagong and Saint Martin Island. As our half-yearly exams have concluded and the winter break approaches, we believe this tour will refresh our minds and expand our knowledge. Our Bangla and English teachers have kindly agreed to accompany us as guides.

We kindly request your permission to organize this study tour, recognizing the potential it holds for breaking our routine and enhancing our learning.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]
Students of Class XII (or Class X)
KDC College, Dhaka

Note: If you are an HSC student, omit the words in the first brackets. If you are an SSC student, replace "The Principal, College, and Class XII" with "The Headmaster, School, and Class X."

If the term "Study tour" is used, omit the phrase "Excursion."

If the term "Excursion" is used, omit the phrase "Study tour."
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