Dialogue between a tailor and a customer
Father: Hey Yassir, Anne, come here quickly! (They arrive in a minute)
Father: Listen to a conversation on the tape now.
Yassir: Dad, what's it about?
Father: Look at this picture. (There's a picture of a tailor and a customer. Father turns on the tape-recorder. They listen carefully.)
Tailor: Good morning, Sir. How can I help you?
Customer: I want to get measured for a suit.
Tailor: Of course, Sir. Please come this way. What style and color do you prefer?
Customer: I'd like a regular brown tweed suit. How much does the tailoring cost?
Tailor: I can make a suit for Rs. 2000/-. It's a reasonable price, sir.
Customer: Sounds good.
Tailor: Can you come by sometime next week for a fitting?
Customer: Yes, just give me a call. Here's my card.
Tailor: Excellent, sir. Have a good day. (Father unplugs the recorder and talks to his kids.)
Father: What do you think, kids?
Yassir: Pretty interesting, Dad.
Anne: Dad, I'll listen to it again, and then we can practice. Yassir can pretend to be the tailor, and I'll be the customer.